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Help With Math: Purveyors of MathXpert
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About MathXpert
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MathXpert: software to help you learn mathematics.
What is MathXpert and what can it do?
Tell me all about it
. This is the long answer, complete with explanations, screen shots, and pedagogical theories.
For use in algebra, precalculus, and two semesters of calculus.
See exactly which topics are covered.
Easy to use
Helps you solve your homework problems, step by step
If you don't know what to do next, it can give you a hint
an explicit suggestion
or even carry out the next step for you.
You're never more than a click away from a graph.
Read the author's essay
MathXpert and Mathematical Education
Learn at your own speed. Master each subject and never fall behind.
Questions about using MathXpert
Let me see what different kinds of graphs MathXpert can make.
Can MathXpert really solve my own homework problems, or just some pre-stored problems?
How does MathXpert solve problems? Does it use artificial intelligence?
This is for those who are curious about "what's under the hood."
Can MathXpert teach me to do the problems myself?
Will MathXpert work well with my textbook?
Can I use MathXpert to learn math without taking a class?
This may be of interest to home schoolers, or older people wishing to review the math they had long ago.
I'm a parent. How can MathXpert help my child or teenager?
I'm a student. How can MathXpert help me?
I'm a teacher. How can I use MathXpert at my school?
Questions about Trying or Purchasing MathXpert
Do I need Algebra Assistant, or Precalculus Assistant, or Calculus Assistant?
How much does MathXpert cost?
I'm a teacher. How can I purchase MathXpert for my school?
Can I download MathXpert right now and try it for free?
Can I see how MathXpert works without downloading it?
I own an earlier version of MathXpert, how much will it cost to upgrade?
MathXpert is Windows software--can I run it on my Mac?
Yes, if your Mac is post-2006